Monday, June 4, 2012

If I Had A Magic Carpet

If I had a magic carpet,
I'd go soaring through the air.

Little stars would be looking at me,
Here, there, and everywhere.

I wouldn't have to stop at stop-lights,
I would never have to get a ticket.....
If only my little tricycle, 
didn't get caught in the neighbourhood's thickets.

Gina Wells

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Good luck to you
but people who are industrious like yourself
do not need luck
because you make it easy

Mr. Hampton

wedding cake

Dear Donna Rae,
When you get married
and live across the lake,
Please send me a piece of your wedding cake

Hellen Lovese

Friendships is a golden rule

Friendships is a golden rule
Engrave it in your heart
T'was in friendships that we met
so in friendship let us part

Eleanor Howe

catch a fish

When you get married
and live by the sea
catch a fish
and think of me

"yours till grandpa believes in santa claus"
Gean Phillips

Your Dumb

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am dumb
And so are you!

Cousin Billy Miles

Grown up

Dear Donna Rae,
When you grow up
and see a cat go up a tree
pull its tail and think of me

Billy Paxton